Mission Pledge
I pledge by daily reading, meditation, and communion with my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to live an upright Christian life to practice His teachings in my dealings with my fellow man, to dedicate my talents and give of my time, my influence and my means to the teaching or spreading of the Christian religion at home and abroad, to win souls through personal service for Christ to encourage and help in the enlistment of young people in Christian work and to make my home a center of Christian light and love.  To these ends – I pledge to devote myself and seek Divine aid and guidance daily, that I might become a living witness and a bright and shining light for my Lord


Mission Motto
Retain, Reclaim & Recruit

Theme Song “This is My Mission”
(Tune: Blessed Assurance)

Blessed with His goodness,
Blessed with His love
Blessed with showers that come from above
Blessed with His sunshine,
Blessed with His air,
I’ll go on helping everywhere.

Remembering others, whenever I pray,
Looking to Jesus, He is the Way.
Onward I travel, He’s by my side,
I’ll never falter, He is my guide,

This is my mission, this is my prayer,
helping the needy everywhere,
this is my Mission, this is my prayer,

helping the needy everywhere.


The Mission Aims
To create, maintain and provide a Missionary educational program for growing persons of all ages
that they may develop a life of sharing and giving according to the Holy Scriptures.

To reach all ages of the Church membership and the unchurched with an awareness
that the Missionary Society is a challenge and a means to enhance personal growth.

To make the support of the Missionary program the responsibility of the total Church membership and
that the Mission involvement extends to all phases of Church work.

The Objective

 1.  To revive Circles and to organize new circles that will meet the demands of our increasing Church membership.

2.  To create Missionary study groups in various areas of the community, to crusade for the unsaved and to distribute Missionary literature throughout the Church and our community.

3.  To meet weekly in our Circles an once a month with the general Mission or as needed. To cooperate with other Missionary Societies in the community.

4.  To seek to create a climate of service by visiting the sick, distressed, imprisoned, shut-in, and others in various institutions.

5.  To report all monies to the Church Finance Committee and to formulate a budget for our work as we participate in Local, District, Regional, State and National meetings.


The word “Mission” means the act of instance sending forth and a group of persons
sent forth with a specific purpose, service or activity.

As members of the Body of Christ, we have called, chosen, and commissioned to reach and teach
that the Good News of the Gospel of Salvation be proclaimed to all unsaved persons.

Our Mission is to spread the love of Christ wherever we go.


“May we never become so focused on ourselves that we fail to serve others”



Dorcas - Monday @ 5:30 p.m.
Lydia - Monday @ 6:00 p.m.
Hannah - Monday 1st & 3rd @ 6:00 p.m.
Naomi - Tuesday @ 10:00 a.m.
Ruth - 1st Tuesday & 3rd Tuesday @ 5:00 p.m.
Matrons & YWA’s - Wednesday @ 6:00 p.m.
Red Circle - Wednesday @ 5:00 p.m.
Sunshine Band- Wednesday @ 6:00 p.m.
Esther - 1st & 3rd Thursday @6:00 p.m.
Health & Wellness - 1st Thursday @ 6:00 p.m.
Young Men
Joint Mission Meets Monday after the 4th Sunday @ 6:00 p.m.